bob h wrote in message <3c7aef98@news.povray.org>...
>Well, I'm not sure I can be of any help to you. Thing is, specular
>reflection is already the light source color unless the material
>reflecting it back is metallic. So I don't understand why you think
>it is blue. Sorry.
Perhaps poor wording on my part, Bob...
>The major problem with that and what you want to do is probably
>that the highlight will blend with the background pigment,
Exactly. That's what I want to change somehow.
Take that photo I linked to - if POV-Ray ran the universe the water
reflection would be various lighter shades of the *apparent* color
of the water (blue) rather than the actual color (none) of the water.
What I need to do is find a way to make POV-Ray mimic water
>therefore it takes a light color lacking in the object color to
>prevent the blending.
Yes, but that would make the rest of the image look wrong. You'd
need a yellow-orange light source color to cancel out the blue.
>And if so, reflection alone, without highlights, might be the easy
>answer. Not sure.
I think any reflection type I use will take on the color of the
imagemap. I wasjust wondering if there was any way to change
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